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Dr Yun Li wins ARC DECRA award to work in CQOS theory group

November 2013

Dr Yun Li, who recently joined the CQOS theory group from the University of Trento, has been awarded an ARC DECRA (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award) to work on a project that aims to use atrtificial gauge fiedls to explore exotic quantum states that occur in ultracold quantum gases

Project summary:

DE150101636     Dr Yun Li













Project Summary

Gauge fields are central in our modern understanding of physics. They are at the origin of many sophisticated states of matter including quantum Hall materials, topological insulators and supersolids that have potential applications in future technologies. This project aims to explore these exotic quantum states emerging in ultracold atomic gases with artificially engineered gauge fields. Unlike the solid-state systems, in which all details of the material structure are not controlled or even not known with certainty, the unprecedented controllability of the ultracold system provides a unique opportunity to gain key insights on the physics related to the gauge fields, and to advance the studies in both fundamental physics and applications.
